We LOVE competition, at least the fun, friendly kind, so we integrate competition into every aspect of KidsGames.  KidsGames Kids are divided into two teams, Alpha (red) and Omega (blue) and they compete during the week and earn points for various things.  Some point-rewarding activities that include greatest decibel levels, participating in the daily spirit contest, which team brings the most for our compassion project, and much more.  

But we can't forget our amazing leaders.  We call them Pi (green).  Of course, we are partial to Pi, but in the history of KidsGames, Pi simply hasn't had the manpower to beat out Alpha or Omega.

First time KidsGames Kids are randomly selected to be on team Alpha or Omega and they follow the adage, "once an Alpha/Omega, always an Alpha/Omega!"  Many of our returning KidsGames Kids and leaders are multi-year members of team Alpha or Omega and their competitive spirit lives on!!

Of course, during our closing session at the end of each day, we give a score update of who is leading the week-long competition. The final winner is announced at closing session on the last day of camp.  It is always exciting to see this fun competition take place each year at KidsGames.  And, of course, we use Alpha and Omega since Jesus tells us, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Revelation 22:13).